07769 203 856

We have taken on the role as Newsletter Editor for the Clerksroom monthly e-newsletter as part of our retained support for clients Clerksroom, Clerksroom Mediation & Clerksroom Direct.

Emma is responsible for news gathering, editing, designing and mailing the progressive, award-winning chambers' monthly e-newsletter to over 13,000+ lawyers across the UK. 

We already manage the marketing and PR for Clerksroom and it's marketing partners so it made sense for us to take this on for the team. 

Click here to view the latest e-newsletter and sign up to it's list on Mailchimp.

Look out for the new-look Clerksroom e-newsletter, coming soon!

Need our help? 

We estimate that we run over 20 Mailchimp accounts for clients to help compliantly manage their data, design their direct marketing content, templates and direct e-commerce marketing campaigns. 

We also provide training and guidance for in-house marketing teams (such clients include NewLaw Solicitors and Loosemores Solicitors). 

Contact us today to see how we can boost your direct marketing content, power up your designs, get greater ROI and ensure your data management processes are GDPR compliant. 
Sign up to our newsletter
Contact Us
07769 203 856

The Maltings
East Tyndall Street
CF24 5EA